
Thank you for visiting my online portfolio! This website has been developed to showcase my projects and field experience for my Master's Degree in Instructional Technology at The University of Akron. I hope you will take the time to look around this website and review the work I have completed.


My Technology Goal and Vision

Image of Jessica Aubley created using Bitmoji My Goal Focus on helping my department meet our Mission, while making sure we are integrating accessible technology that promotes student learning and engagement.

My Vision: To use current and future technology to create an experience that involves students actively engaging in their learning. The use of accessible technology and design will allow us to create content that meets the needs of the most common learning styles we see at Stark State College.

My Alignment Document This document shows the alignment of all the projects and field artifacts used on this online portfolio. Click here to view.

Contact Information

If you have any questions please contact me at jaa150@zips.uakron.edu.